Should You Work at a Hospital or Private Practice? This is one of THE most important decisions you'll have to make as a doctor. This is what I learned after experiencing both worlds. Friday’s Digest #127 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update What Size TV Do You Have? As a teenager, I bought a 21-inch TV for my room. It was a fat and heavy Grundig connected to a JVC video player. Both represented my couch-potato years. When I was a first-year dental...
12 days ago • 4 min read
Asking Stupid Questions (The Doctor / Scientist Version) Everyone says there's "no such thing as a stupid question." But as doctors and scientists, we're still embarrassed to ask them. Friday’s Digest #126 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update I'm all IKEA'd out. Moving into a new place involves two main phases: moving things from one apartment to another, and buying new things. We're now in the buying phase. That means lots of time in furniture...
19 days ago • 4 min read
How Is It Like Coming Back Home - My 3 Months Perspective "Why did you come back?" After spending 3 months back home, I'd like to share my perspective on this question. Friday’s Digest #125 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update A few weeks ago, I had to throw away what remained of my whiskey collection 🥃. It was really difficult to do 😢. Aside from the financial aspect 💰, I loved having a collection of 15 bottles. I had American and Japanese, Irish...
26 days ago • 3 min read
Apps for Doctors & Scientists Worth Paying for (and Those That Are Not) Paying for apps can become very expensive. But picking the best ones can save you money and boost your productivity. Friday’s Digest #124 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update The move is officially over! We've settled into our new place, with just a few pieces of furniture left to buy. Since returning from Boston, these past few weeks have been the most challenging yet. For...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
Should I Give Up? I almost gave up on today’s newsletter. And I almost gave up on writing a newsletter altogether. Let me tell you what happened. Friday’s Digest #123 It's a Thursday night. Half a day before this newsletter is published. And I haven't written it yet. This has never happened before. I've written 122 issues so far, never last minute. But here I am, standing on the roof, trying to unclog a pipe. You see, it's been raining heavily for days, and the roof drainage pipe is clogged...
about 1 month ago • 2 min read
Which One is Best, an iPad or a Laptop? Doctors and scientists often consider giving away their laptop for a tablet. Can you trust it to become your daily driver? Friday’s Digest #122 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Life Update I'm exhausted. This week, we finally moved into our new place, but the days leading up to it were absolutely draining. Between getting sick, lack of sleep, and an exceptionally long surgery (which only made the sleep deprivation worse), everything piled...
about 2 months ago • 4 min read
How I Lost 5 kg (and Why I Won't Gain It Back) It took me 5 months to lose 5 kg, but it was surprisingly easy. And I have no problem maintaining this weight. Here's how. Friday’s Digest #121 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update A quick apartment-moving update: We're behind schedule with only 6 days left. Life is just too busy. My original plan was to move some of the stuff on my own over two weeks, but that hasn't worked out as planned. I will have...
about 2 months ago • 4 min read
The 2 Best Advice That Got Me Into My Dream Job (+ Ronin X6 Headlight Review) "What do you think I should do to get accepted?" Today, I'll share two pieces of advice from my 20 years of training experience. Friday’s Digest #120 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update This week, our apartment move shifted into high gear. The official move is in 13 days, but I plan to transport many items myself beforehand. Why on my own? Because when I move things...
2 months ago • 4 min read
I Had a Colonoscopy. This Is What I Learned When should you schedule a colonoscopy when you are busy? And what's this "preparation" that everyone worries about? Friday’s Digest #119 Table of contents Life Update Tools and Tips Readers’ Favorite Stuff Life Update It's 8:00 AM, and I'm in the waiting area, about to undergo a colonoscopy. For years, I've been saying I would get a colonoscopy on my 50th birthday— well, maybe not on my actual birthday, but you get the idea. So why have it now at...
2 months ago • 4 min read