
Friday's Digest - The Newsletter for Doctors & Scientists

For two decades, I've been developing tools that have improved my practice in medicine, dentistry, and scientific research. Join me every Friday to discover a new tool you can integrate into your workflow as a doctor, a scientist, or both. I believe in sharing knowledge, embracing automation, boosting productivity, and finding joy in the process.

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After 100 Newsletters: 3 Writing Tips You Can Apply Anywhere

After 100 Newsletters: 3 Writing Tips You Can Apply Anywhere Writing 100 newsletters taught me so much. Here are 3 writing tips you can apply to your writing now. Friday’s Digest #100 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface Issue number 100! Happy Birthday,...

Dreams and Reality (or: “I Want to Be a Doctor”) As a kid, I watched doctors on TV. And that became the dream. Dreams, and reality. Friday’s Digest #99 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface Number 99! That’s the last double-digit number. The next time the...

Productivity for Doctors and Scientists: Tools I Use Daily and Have Never Failed Me Let’s face it: We rely on computers and apps for our work. But dealing with unreliable tools can be a nightmare. Here are the tools I trust: Dropbox, Notion, and MacBook. Friday’s Digest #98 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents...

I Treated My Body Like a Trash Can 🚯 Over the last two years, I treated my body like a trash can. And it will end now. Friday’s Digest #97 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface Last week, a famous singer from my childhood died from cancer. He was one of the...

Persistence, Giving Up, and Enjoying Life Should we be persistent, or is it okay to give up? Let's discuss the pros and cons of giving up. Friday's Digest #96 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface That was my last week of fellowship. Done. These past two years...

The One Thing (or: How To Make Things Happen When It Seems Impossible) Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the things you need to accomplish? Meet "The One Thing" method. Friday’s Digest #95 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface This week, my time management...

Slow Productivity, Saying No, and Opinions That Don’t Matter “Slow Productivity” is a nice concept. Do less and achieve more. But for doctors and scientists, it doesn’t work this way. Sorry, Cal Newport. Friday’s Digest #94 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface...

Why You Should Start a Journal Today Writing a journal can transform your life. Here's how. Friday’s Digest #93 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface Final Month of Fellowship It has been quite a ride. Just two years ago, I finished my medical internship, a...

Printed Books, E-Books, or Audiobooks. What’s the Best Way to Read? E-books and audiobooks have come a long way over the last few years. Let's explore which ones are the best for you. Friday’s Digest #92 ✍️ Write With Me Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Join “Write With Me” to achieve more writing in less time, freeing up time to do what you love. Write With Me Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface A few words about...

I Have an Idea. It’s Called “Write with Me”. You’re the First to Hear About It. Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Introducing "Write With Me". Friday’s Digest #91 🔊 Friday's Digest Podcast In a hurry? Don’t feel like reading? Listen to the podcast by clicking here or choose your favorite platform: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube Podcasts Table of contents Preface Main Article Readers’ Favorite Stuff Preface This week's newsletter is different. I want...