I Have an Idea. It’s Called “Write with Me”. You’re the First to Hear About It.

I Have an Idea. It’s Called “Write with Me”. You’re the First to Hear About It.

Does scientific writing consume too much of your time and seem inefficient? Introducing "Write With Me". Friday’s Digest #91

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Table of contents

  1. Preface
  2. Main Article
  3. Readers’ Favorite
  4. Stuff


This week's newsletter is different.

I want to hear your thoughts on a new idea I have. I call it "Write With Me".

In essence, it's designed to help busy individuals who want to conduct research but need help finding the time, motivation, or guidance.

It's for those who sit in front of a computer to write an abstract, a manuscript, or a grant proposal and hate every second of it.

Or perhaps they enjoy the process but struggle to find time for it.

That's exactly where "Write With Me" comes in.

Want to hear more?

Issue number 91 is here!

Main Article

Research is a passion of mine.

I love the process of having an idea, designing a test for it, and obtaining results that can make the world a better place.

However, research involves a lot of “homework”. And nobody likes homework.

It includes writing grant proposals, abstracts, and manuscripts. It also requires networking, which significantly impacts your chances of getting academic promotions and having your grant proposals accepted.

But I want to focus on one thing: Getting you to write something.

Sitting down to write can be so difficult. Here's why:

  • There are no immediate consequences for not writing. So, it ends up at the bottom of your to-do list.
  • Starting to write can be intimidating. You waste so much time staring at a blank screen.
  • You simply don't have time for it. And when you do, you're just too tired.

Days and weeks go by, and you're not making any progress.

You start to feel disappointed with yourself.

You might even blame others for your inability to publish and get promoted. You may begin to question if publishing is the right path for you.

As a result, you don't submit the abstract. You end up attending the conference as a listener instead of presenting your idea on stage.

If you could just dedicate a few hours each month to writing, it could make all the difference.

This is where the idea for "Write With Me" was born.

The goal is to create a system that allows you to accomplish your writing tasks.

Here's why I can guide you through this process:

  • I face these challenges EVERY SINGLE DAY as a surgeon-scientist.
  • During my 17 years of research, I've developed many tools to help me consistently produce work, even when it seems impossible.
  • Through this weekly newsletter, I've provided tools to doctors and scientists. Many accomplished their goals using them. Now, I want to take this to the next level.

So, let’s talk about what it will be like

🔵 The Essence of “Write With Me”

I will host 2-4 sessions each month via a video conference tool, such as Zoom. These sessions will last between 45 minutes to an hour, during which we will write together, with each person working on their own material.

At the start of each session, a few minutes will be dedicated to discussing a topic related to writing, such as a recommended tool or a live demonstration of how I write a grant proposal, an abstract, or a manuscript.

Afterward, I'll mute my microphone but leave my camera on. Participants will also have their cameras on and microphones muted. The chat will be open for questions or sharing writing struggles. I will answer these questions during and after the session.

At the end of each session, you will have more things written down, and more knowledge about how to do it more productively. You will probably want to sit down some more even after the session is over.

🔵 What Will You Gain From It?

  • Motivation to sit down and write
  • Live demonstrations of valuable tools
  • A supportive community of people facing similar struggles

🔵 When

The live sessions will occur 2-4 times a month. If you can't attend a live session, you can watch the recorded version.

🔵 Price

It will be a monthly subscription. The subscription fees will be invested in the “Write with Me” community.

I have many exciting ideas that I'll reveal when the time comes.

If you want to hear more about “Write With Me”, you can join the waiting list here:

Join “Write With Me” waiting list.

Joining the waiting list gives you a chance to be part of the “founders” cohort.

Founders will enjoy a substantial discount on the monthly fee.

And here’s the really cool part: The founders will continue to enjoy their lower price for as long as "Write With Me" runs, even after the regular pricing takes effect.

Spots are limited!

Readers’ Favorite

I've been writing this newsletter for almost two years now.

Suddenly, Issue #1 seems so old. You can read it here if you like a little piece of history 📜.


📱Application I use - Notion. I highly recommend it to all doctors and scientists. In this video, I demonstrate how I use it for research:

video preview

💡Gear I use - Apple EarPods. Not AirPods, EAR pods.

They are my go-to for Zoom calls. Their microphone quality is excellent, better than any wireless headphones.

You don’t want to be the person others struggle to understand on a Zoom call.

I like them for another reason, too. They have cords, which signal to others that I need to focus.

For $18, they offer great value. I always carry them in my bag.

They can connect to any device via USB C, including Android. There are also Lightning and 3.5 versions.


If you received this newsletter from a friend and would like to join Friday's Digest, visit: https://newsletter.shaysharon.com

That’s it for this issue.

Hope for better times.


Want to learn more from me?

Online Presence Course for Doctors & Scientists:

  • How to build your own website
  • Social Media 101 (Fundamentals)
  • How to start your own newsletter
  • YouTube 101 (Fundamentals)
  • How to start your own podcast
  • Gear and apps I use for online presence
  • Q&A

Tip Sheets:

  • My Workflow for Reading & Writing Manuscripts
  • Future Fellows & Postdocs
  • The PhD Journey
  • How To Write an Abstract in 10 Minutes
  • How to Study for the TOEFL

Video guides:

  • Manage References with a SINGLE CLICK
  • My Workflow for Reading & Writing Manuscripts
  • How to Write an Abstract in 10 Minutes
  • Make PubMed Work For You
  • How I Use Anki Flashcards
  • How I Studied for the USMLE
  • How I Studied for the TOEFL
  • What's in My Bag
  • Clinical Photography - The Complete Guide

7-Day Email Eourses:

  • Your Guide to Fellowship
  • How to Survive Residency
  • The Scientist's Handbook
  • How to Start a New Job
  • Your Guide to Dental School

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Friday's Digest - The Newsletter for Doctors & Scientists

For two decades, I've been developing tools that have improved my practice in medicine, dentistry, and scientific research. Join me every Friday to discover a new tool you can integrate into your workflow as a doctor, a scientist, or both. I believe in sharing knowledge, embracing automation, boosting productivity, and finding joy in the process.

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